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THE RUMPH Home » Browse The Rumph Pieces » Sculptures » Monkey on the Moon

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Monkey on the Moon
Monkey on the Moon #1
Added by:
Debbie Pfountz
from St. Louis, Missouri on 03/24/2003

Monkey on the Moon #2
Added by:
Debbie Pfountz
from St. Louis, Missouri on 03/24/2003

Monkey on the Moon #3
Added by:
Debbie Pfountz
from St. Louis, Missouri on 03/24/2003

Monkey on the Moon

AKA: big, giant, heavy really cool thing

Prototype to be the first of a series, but it never went any further than this first piece.

Produced: 1974
Rarity Ranking :
Added on: 03/24/2003
Added by: Debbie Pfountz (email me!) from St. Louis, Missouri

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In the 60s through 80s the man I purchased it from lived in Hollywood and was a film/horror fan, he was a member of the illustrious "Count Dracula Society"; a group of fun-loving wackos who enjoyed scary bits.

Every year they would put on their own awards show for the best book, movie, this and that. Jim Rumph was a member, and in the early 70s, his mugs, ashtrays and things were everywhere. They talked him into making an award statuette of Dracula that would be given out. He said that it was a very cool thing.

In '72 the man co-founded another off-shoot group called the "Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films". Something that would overshadow the Dracula Society. Jim Rumph did an award for this bunch as well - being a bust of the robot from Metropolis. They used it for a couple of years but it was discontinued when they began putting their shows on television and they needed a bigger, grander, golder, Oscarier looking statue - one that would sparkle on TV.

In 1975 Jim and this guy had huckster tables at a Star Trek Convention in Los Angeles. Here was the Monkey piece- he bought it and had it ever since. Jim said this was a prototype to be the first of a series, but it never went any further. He heard that there is a book out on Rumph stuff that has a picture of the monkey in it, although he'd never seen the book itself.

In 1993, Jim was walking a bicycle across a street, was hit by a truck and killed. He no longer lived in Hollywood at the time, so he had no more details.

I then purchased the piece from him in December of 2001.

Added by Debbie Pfountz from St. Louis, Missouri on 03/24/2003